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How To Get Your Seedlings Started Before Heading Outdoors

Here’s how to get your seedlings started before heading outdoors: • Fill any small containers with soil (such as small cups with holes poked in the bottom for drainage or plastic starter containers). • Plant one seed per container (more if using larger containers) so it has adequate room to grow. • Read each seed package to learn proper depth to plant and be sure to label each container with what is planted. • Pro Tip: You can find planting soil and a large variety of seeds in Big Y stores! • Cover containers with plastic wrap poked with a few holes for air flow, and store in a warm location away from drafts. • Keep soil moist. When watering,…
February 10, 2022
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Winter Pruning: When should you do it?

Winter Pruning: When should you do it? Never prune too early in the winter, as incisions can dry out if the temperature drops well below freezing. First, you should note that not all trees or shrubs benefit from pruning, or should be pruned at this time of year, so before you grab your pruners or pole saw, there are a few helpful tips to know. The trees and shrubs we prune in late winter—if they need it—are deciduous plants that drop their leaves in fall, and, specifically, those that do not flower in early spring. Any that bud or flower in late spring and summer, are good candidates for winter pruning. We avoid winter pruning of spring-flowering plants because they…
January 14, 2022
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HOW TO TRANSITION HOUSEPLANTS INDOORS FOR WINTER: Some plants cannot survive cold winter temperatures, but there's no need to just say farewell to these plants forever! You can repot them and bring them indoors or to a greenhouse for the winter. Here's 5 simplified steps:   1. Choose the right pot and location The first thing you want to do is ensure you have the right size pots for your plants to thrive and be healthy. You also need to find a location that will have a similar sun pattern so the plants can adjust properly.  2. Buy the right soil Finally, refresh the soil by scraping an inch or two off the top and adding new soil. This will…
December 2, 2021
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Why are Cosmos Bipinnatus & Green Lacewings beneficial to your garden?

Why are Cosmos Bipinnatus & Green Lacewings beneficial to your garden? Few flowers grow as easily and bloom as profusely as cosmos. Those blooms can be put to practical use in the vegetable garden, as they attract many helpful insects. For instance, if you want to draw in green lacewings, choose a white or bright orange variety, such as 'Cosmic Orange'. What are Green Lacewings? Green lacewings are insect predators that measure ½ to ¾ of an inch (1-2 cm.) long and bear very distinctive, delicate-looking wings that give them their names. These green insects have long antennae and gold or copper eyes. Many different species of green lacewings exist, but they closely resemble one another. Their larvae are flattened,…
November 14, 2021
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Reasons To Garden With Your Children!

Get your kids involved in gardening activities! We all know this is an important skill they should learn. Start them early with Yardsmith! Throughout this post we will go over the top 5 reasons you should start teaching your children how to garden. Let's get to it! 1. Gardening helps kids learn to plan and organize. Some plants grow better at certain times of the year. Others do well next to another specific plant. Some grow nicely in rows, while others, like wildflower seeds, can be sprinkled around. Gardening is an opportunity to chat with your kids about research and planning. You'll get to see them grow and develop with their success and failures! No gardening failure is a mistake,…
October 6, 2021
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10 Benefits of Having A Greenhouse

There are plenty of benefits when you have a greenhouse! It's a way to allow you to garden all year long without worrying about the change of season. If you’re a dedicated gardener, you may have asked yourself this question already—are the long-term benefits of having a greenhouse significant enough to make the investment worthwhile? We've put together a list of the top 10 benefits to help you make that decision: 1. Longer Growing Seasons 2. Weather Protection 3. More Plant Options 4. Pest Prevention 5. Portability & Easy Customizations 6. Save Up on Grocery Expenses 7. Optimal Growing Environment For Plants 8. Stress Relief All-Year Round 9. Multipurpose Gardening Spot 10. Grow Pesticide Free Crops Want more information? Reach…
September 9, 2021
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8 Beneficial Bugs In Your Garden 8 Beneficial Bugs In Your Garden! Although there are plenty of insect pests and unwanted guests there's tons of bugs that can help your garden thrive! We've put together a list of our top 8 bugs that benefit your garden:   Bees: The most commonly known beneficial bugs, given their capacity for pollinating flora and vegetable based plants. Praying Mantis: This insect helps maintain the ecological balance required for sustainable and successful gardening. This species is often considered to be a perfect hunter, gobbling up all varieties of garden pests in its path, putting it at the top of the garden insect food chain. Ladybugs: Part of the reason they are beneficial is that they eat quite a few…
August 6, 2021
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3 Reasons To Plant In May

3 Reasons to Plant In May warm temperatures are here to stay and you don’t have to worry about that frost! You may think it’s too late to grow all your favorite vegetables from seeds, but warm May temperatures have made the soil perfect for sowing seeds. Warm soil will allow for fast germination and growing plants! Good choices are summertime kitchen garden staples like squash, beans, cucumbers and melons.
May 6, 2021
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Yardsmith Planting Zone

Find out the importance of knowing your planting zone. The standards that professionals utilize in order to plant the correct crops during the right time!
April 8, 2020
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2017 National Hardware Show Success

The 2017 National Hardware Show was a huge success for the Yardsmith team.  We would like to thank everyone that stopped by our booth to discuss new opportunities.  We are very excited for this upcoming season and can’t wait to start some new working relationships with our customers.
May 30, 2017