Here’s how to get your seedlings started before heading outdoors:
• Fill any small containers with soil (such as small cups with holes poked in the bottom for drainage or plastic starter containers).
• Plant one seed per container (more if using larger containers) so it has adequate room to grow.
• Read...
Winter Pruning: When should you do it? Never prune too early in the winter, as incisions can dry out if the temperature drops well below freezing. First, you should note that not all trees or shrubs benefit from pruning, or should be pruned at this time of year, so before you grab...
HOW TO TRANSITION HOUSEPLANTS INDOORS FOR WINTER: Some plants cannot survive cold winter temperatures, but there’s no need to just say farewell to these plants forever! You can repot them and bring them indoors or to a greenhouse for the winter. Here’s 5 simplified steps: 1. Choose the right pot and location The first...
Why are Cosmos Bipinnatus & Green Lacewings beneficial to your garden? Few flowers grow as easily and bloom as profusely as cosmos. Those blooms can be put to practical use in the vegetable garden, as they attract many helpful insects. For instance, if you want to draw in green lacewings, choose...
Get your kids involved in gardening activities! We all know this is an important skill they should learn. Start them early with Yardsmith! Throughout this post we will go over the top 5 reasons you should start teaching your children how to garden. Let’s get to it! 1. Gardening helps kids...
There are plenty of benefits when you have a greenhouse! It’s a way to allow you to garden all year long without worrying about the change of season. If you’re a dedicated gardener, you may have asked yourself this question already—are the long-term benefits of having a greenhouse significant enough...